“Are you writing anything now?”

That sentence shook me to the core. It shocked me out of my work-a-day reverie.

No, I’m not. And why?

Because I work all the time, because I’m tired, because I have no money, because, because, because! But stop for one moment!

What of any of that prevents me from writing? It is not hard to sit at a keyboard, or in an armchair with a Micro 207, and put ink on paper.

And of course this prompts the question: just about what do I write? It is a challenge to get around town in a convenient manner. But it is not impossible. In itself, that is something to write about, even if it never sees the light of day.

But in order for something to be published, it must be worthwhile to some publisher. I need a topic specific enough to warrant either a book or a weekly publishing schedule. I wish I could write stories about people in Toledo… but how do I avoid cloning The Rough Draft Diaries?

Here is a list of what I’m knowledgeable about:

  • board games
  • Dungeons & Dragons and Exalted
  • copy editing
  • computer maintenance

These make for some riveting writing topics, they sure do.

When I’m describing something I’m interested in to someone, I almost can’t stop talking. So why do I feel I have nothing to write about?

I wish to be a writer. I should write!

How many times has someone written about not being able to write? Ugh, I feel disgusting for writing this entry.

Just get your food and get out!

I was at work yesterday — I’m a cashier at a café — and someone came up to my register and asked which high school I attend. I’m 23.

I told him I recently graduated from the university in my town. Then he asked me why I wanted to work as a cashier at the café.

Dude, look, I wouldn’t be here if I had anything better.